Easily connect Structured with your favorite data sources. Here’s how you can set up integrations with Sheets, Excel, AWS S3, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redshift, BigQuery, Snowflake, and more.

Sheets Integration

Setting Up



Go to “Harbor” > “Sheets” in Structured and sign in with your Google account. Allow Structured to access your Google Sheets.


Select Sheets

Choose the Sheets and data ranges you want to sync.


Sync Frequency

Decide how often Structured should update data from Sheets.

Access Control

Ensure your Google account can access the Sheets you want to integrate and manage permissions in Structured for viewing or editing data.

Excel Integration

Setting Up


Upload Files

Find the Excel section under “Harbor” to upload files.


Select and Map Data

Choose files and adjust mappings between Excel columns and Structured fields as needed.

Access Permissions

Set who can upload and manage Excel data within Structured.

S3 Integration

Setting Up


Enter AWS Credentials

Input your AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key under “Harbor” > “S3.”


Select Bucket

Pick the S3 bucket and files you wish to sync.


Sync Preferences

Configure your sync frequency and preferences for file formats.

Access Control

Confirm AWS credentials have read access to the desired bucket and manage S3 data access within Structured.

PostgreSQL Integration

Setting Up


Database Info

Provide PostgreSQL connection details within the integration setup.


Choose Data

Select the tables or views you aim to import.

Sync Settings

Tailor synchronization settings, including frequency and data filters.

Access Management

Ensure the PostgreSQL user has read access and manage who can view or edit this data in Structured.

Redshift Integration

Setting Up


Connection Details

Enter Redshift connection info in Structured.


Data Selection

Choose schemas, tables, or queries for syncing.


Sync Setup

Define how often data updates from Redshift should occur.

Access Control

Use a Redshift role with the required read access and manage data permissions within Structured.

BigQuery Integration

Setting Up


Google Cloud Authentication

Connect using Google Cloud credentials in Structured for BigQuery access.


Select Datasets

Pick the datasets and tables to sync.

Configure Sync

Set the frequency of data synchronization and any specific query transformations.

Access Management

Ensure your Google Cloud account has the necessary permissions and set access controls within Structured.

Snowflake Integration

Setting Up


Connection Details

Provide your Snowflake account details in Structured.


Select Data

Choose the databases and tables for integration.


Sync Settings

Determine sync frequency and any required data transformations.

Access Permissions

Ensure the Snowflake user has access to the selected data and assign appropriate permissions within Structured.