Structured combines the power of a unified data model with powerful data workflows, making your revenue operations more streamlined. Trust in your underlying data allows for confident analysis and automation, enhancing business efficiency and insight.



Harbor by Structured integrates data from various revenue-focused tools like Salesforce and HubSpot into one accessible platform. This centralized system aggregates different data streams, making it easier to generate reports and analyze trends. It also supports automated alerts and provides strategic insights directly from your business data, without manual data merging or schema management. Users can connect their data sources simply and use AI to map and link these sources, building a semantic layer purpose-built for revenue operations.



After Structured’s central data plane is configured, go to the Query interface, ask a question in natural language. Structured uses the underlying data model configured to give the most up-to-date answer. Our system uses AI, RAG, and code-generation to understand context and relationships efficiently, providing clean, up-to-date responses with beautifully generated charts. Use the guided explorer to slice and dice the data to find the answers you need. For example, a user might ask, “What were the total sales last quarter for product X in region Y?” and receive not only the figures but also comparative charts and trend analysis.


Dynamic documents enable collaboration with Structured AI to build the reports you need for effective data storytelling. Auto-generate reports with the most interesting insights. Edit titles, prompts, contents, chart types to personalize. Start with a blank report or use our templates for common workflows, sharing, editing, scheduling with teammates. Refresh reports as new data flows in. For instance, you could automatically generate a monthly sales performance report that highlights top-performing regions and products, with the option to easily update or customize the visuals and data points as needed.


Our custom workflow builder lets you specify automations between different objects in disparate systems with a high degree of trust. For example, Blocks could help marketing and sales alignment by automatically sharing lead scoring updates from marketing the CRM, ensuring that sales reps focus their efforts on the most qualified leads. View Structured Blocks run history, track changes over time, identify failures, resolve issues. Share these automations with your team — so you never become a single point of failure again.


Keep your revenue operations team informed with Alerts. Configure notifications for important revenue events, such as achieving sales targets or when subscriptions are about to expire. Set up alerts for significant changes in revenue streams or contract status updates to ensure prompt action. These real-time notifications help your team stay on top of critical developments, improving responsiveness and operational continuity. You can also track performance against forecasts and receive alerts if figures deviate from expected ranges, enabling quick adjustments.